1. Date command
Used to view or change the current date in our computer.
date [dd-mm-yy]
Steps of use:
a. Type the date in the command prompt C: \> date <enter>.
b. On the screen will appear:
Current date is 11/09/2010
Enter new date (dd-mm-yy):
c. If the date is changed, type the desired date in place (eg: it would be if changed to 11/10/2010, then
type 11-10-2010), then press enter. If the date does not change, a direct hit enter
2. Command time
Used to view or change the current date in our computer.
time [hh: mm [: ss [, xx]]]
Steps of use:
a. Type the time in the command prompt (C: \> time).
b. Press enter.
c. On the screen will appear:
Current time is 7:36:53,75
Enter new time:
7:36:53,75 means hours on the computer when we ask for time
show at 7 (h) .36 (minutes) .53,75 (seconds).
d. If time will be changed, type the desired time in place (eg: it would be if converted into 8.00, then type
in 8:00), then press enter. If time is not changed, a direct hit enter.
3. Ver command
Used to see the DOS version used.
Steps of use:
a. Type ver at the command prompt (C: \> ver).
b. Press enter.
c. On the screen will display the DOS version is used, such as:
Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
4. cls command
Used to clean the screen
Steps of use: 3
a. Cls type in the command prompt (C: \> cls).
b. Press enter.
c. DOS screen will be clean again.
5. dir command
Used to display the contents of a directory to the screen.
Way of writing:
dir [drive:] [path] [file whatever you want to listings]
[/ p] [/ w] [/ a]
[drive:]: Displays a list (listing) the contents of files in the drive.
[path]: Displays a list (listing) the contents of files in the path.
[file what will be listed]:
Determination of what files are in-listing can use wildcard characters
(? & *).
? : Any one character
*: All characters
Coba.txt: All files beginning with any letter, provided followed
try .*: All files with the extension named try anything.
[/ p] [/ w]: Appearances listed file on the screen.
[/ p]: displayed per page (per screen),
[/ w]: displayed sideways, direct the entire file.
[/ a]: All files, including files with hidden attributes, is shown.
Steps of use:
a. Type the command dir to be used in the command prompt.
b. Press enter.
c. Listing files in directory will be visible on the screen.
listing all non-hidden files that are in C.
C: \> dir <enter>
C: \> dir / p <enter>
C: \> dir / w <enter>
C: \> dir *.* <enter>
C: \> dir / p / w <enter>
listing all files (including hidden) the name length is 3 and are in C. 4
C: \> dir ???.* / p / w / a <enter>
6. Command md / mkdir
Used to create a directory.
md [path] name_directory
mkdir [path] name_directory
Steps of use:
1. Type md or mkdir command to be used in the command prompts.
2. Press enter.
Exercise 1:
md data <enter>
mkdir program <enter>
md exercise <enter>
mkdir data \ newdata <enter>
md data \ olddata <enter>
md program \ program1 <enter>
md program \ program2 <enter>
md program \ program3 <enter>
7. The command cd / chdir
Used to move from one directory to another directory.
cd [[path] name_directory]
chdir [[path] name_directory]
Name_directory can be replaced with:
. : Name_directory the currently active (the user is) now.
.. : Nama_directory where the current directory is located.
Steps of use:
1. Type cd or chdir command to be used in the command prompts.
2. Press enter.
cd data <enter>
cd newdata<enter>
cd .. <enter>
cd program <enter>
cd .. \ <enter>
and many other commands that I can not explain.
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